Latest Episodes

The Secret of a New Life - SFC2206
Do you want to experience a new life of joy, freedom, and purpose? This episode reveals the secret of how you can be born...

How to Find Personal Peace - SFC2205
How can you find personal peace in a world of turmoil and anxiety? This episode explains how the Bible offers the best solution for...

The Manner of Christ's Coming - SFC2204
The Bible explains how Jesus will return and what will happen when He does. You will discover how Jesus will come in a visible,...

A World in Turmoil - SFC2203
How can you cope with the challenges and trials that you face in your life? Why do wars, disasters, diseases, and injustices plague our...

Our Day in the Light of Bible Prophecy - SFC2202
How can you trust the reliability and accuracy of the Bible? Can you really understand the symbols and images used in biblical prophecy? How...

How to Understand the Bible - SFC2201
How can you avoid common errors and misconceptions when reading the Bible? How can you discern the historical and cultural context of a biblical...