How to Understand the Bible - SFC2201

Episode 1 November 06, 2022 00:58:45
How to Understand the Bible - SFC2201
Search For Certainty
How to Understand the Bible - SFC2201

Nov 06 2022 | 00:58:45


Show Notes

How can you avoid common errors and misconceptions when reading the Bible? How can you discern the historical and cultural context of a biblical passage? How can you find harmony and consistency in the different parts of the Bible? And how can you experience the power and joy of God’s word in your daily life? Listen to this practical and insightful lesson and learn how to understand the Bible for yourself.

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Hosted by: Gayl Fong & Hana Nakagawa

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Episode Transcript

SPEAKER A Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my bed. SPEAKER B Would you like to better understand the Bible? How can you grow as a Christian and find personal peace? What happens at the second coming of Jesus? What is the relevance of Bible prophecy today? How do you identify a cult? What happens when you die? Here is your opportunity to find answers to these and many other questions by exploring 30 not only relevant, but life changing topics that await your discovery. Welcome to search for certainty. I'm so glad you can join us today. I'm your host Gayl Fong, and with me in the studio today is Hana Nakagawa. Welcome Hana. SPEAKER C Thank you Gayl. SPEAKER B It's so wonderful to be in the studio together as we study God's word. And our topic to begin this series today is how to understand the Bible. And it's interesting, the Bible unlocks the hidden secrets and we can discover them for ourselves on this journey of faith. The Bible was written over 1500 year period. It contains 66 books written by about 40 different authors. The Bible's authors deal with the most difficult and controversial topics imaginable. Yet they agree they don't contradict one another and these writings give evidence of divine inspiration. But Hana, I love the central theme in the Bible which is Christ, the Saviour of humankind. The Bible story begins in Eden, god's perfect world and ends in Eden, God's perfect world. Restored before sin entered the world. God communicated directly with Adam and Eve. But sin separated our first parents from God. Today, face to face fellowship with God is no longer possible. But still the heart of a loving God longs to communicate with a planet in rebellion. So before we begin this amazing journey of faith, Hana, may I invite you to open with prayer? SPEAKER C Yes, sure. Let's pray. Dear Heavenly Father. Lord, we praise you. We praise you for who you are. You are God who are faithful. You are God who is always good. Same yesterday, today and forever. Father, as we open your words and come to study your words, we invite your Holy Spirit to be with us. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. And I pray that whoever are listening to this lesson, may your Holy Spirit touch their heart. We pray all these things in Jesus precious and loving name. Amen. SPEAKER B Amen. Well, let's begin this wonderful journey. And we may begin with second. Peter. Going to Second Peter chapter one and verse 21. And we want to look here for how does God communicate with a fallen race. So Hana, if you have that verse, would you read that for us? SPEAKER C Yes, sure. Two Peter, chapter one, verse 21. The Bible says for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Wow. SPEAKER B So how does that verse share with us how God is trying to communicate with us now that we are in our fallen condition yes. SPEAKER C Through the Word of God, through the prophecy. And it did not come by the will of man, it was through the Holy Spirit. So God did not write actually as a pen, he didn't move the pencil, but he inspired holy men prophets to write the Word of God. SPEAKER B I love that explanation, which leads us actually to the next verse in two Timothy three and verse 16. Since the Bible was written by human beings, how much of it is actually inspired by God? Two Timothy, chapter three and verse 16. Thank you, Hana. SPEAKER C The Bible says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. SPEAKER B Wow. So the Bible is very clear that we can trust the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. SPEAKER C That's right. It says all Scripture, not some of them, not just Old Testament or New Testament, but all of them are inspired by the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER B Amen. The whole 66 books. And, you know, Hana, that's thought inspiration, not verbal inspiration. God is an amazing God and God reveals so much in His Word. It reveals God's plan for his people before Jesus birth. The New Testament, the last 27 books of the Bible, from Matthew to Revelation, reveals the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. And it especially describes God's instructions to his church today. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B So we can see that the Bible is one of unity. It never contradicts itself. Well, it's interesting, Hana, since scribes copied the Bible repeatedly throughout the centuries, is it still reliable today? How long would the Word of God survive? We're going to turn to the Old Testament, to the ancient book of Isaiah. Isaiah, chapter 40 and verse eight. So, Henry, thank you for reading that verse for us. Isaiah, chapter 40 and verse eight. SPEAKER C Yes. It says, the grass with the flower faith, but the word of our God stands forever. SPEAKER B Wow. SPEAKER C It is amazing. We are living in a very changing world. Everything is changing around us, but the Word of God never change. It stands forever. SPEAKER B I love that concept. And it's also amazing because God is the same yesterday, today and forever. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER B Just like his word. You know, the same Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible has preserved it throughout the centuries. Recent archaeological and historical discoveries have further confirmed its accuracy and reliability. Here are just a few examples, Hana, of archaeological discoveries that confirm the truthfulness of the Bible. You may have heard of the Rosetta Stone. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B Have you ever been to the museum? The British Museum? SPEAKER C No, I haven't actually. SPEAKER B I actually haven't either, but that's where the Rosetta Stone is housed there, and it's been there since 1802. This Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799 in Egypt by Napoleon scientists, was written in three languages the Hieroglyphics, the Demotic and Greek. It unlocked the mysteries of the Hieroglyphics and helps to confirm the reliability of the Bible. SPEAKER C Wow. SPEAKER B There are other archaeological discoveries as well. And Hana, what could you tell us about the Moabite Stone? Have you heard of the Moabite Stone? SPEAKER C Yeah, it was discovered in 1868 at Jordan, confirmed that mobites attack on Israel, as recorded in Two King, chapter one and three was true. SPEAKER A Wow. SPEAKER B So that's really going back in time, isn't it? The Book of Second Kings. And I believe the Moabite stone is. You can view that in the Louvre Museum in Paris. SPEAKER C Wow. SPEAKER B So that is where that is. And apparently they've also made a copy of that original stone. And that's at the University of Chicago. Yes, that's the second copy there. There's also the Cyrus cylinder that records Cyrus's overthrow of Babylon in 539 BC and the deliverance of the Jewish capture as recorded in the Book of Daniel. Daniel, chapter five, and prophesied in Isaiah 44 and 45. That's amazing. And you can view that one in the British Museum as well. Hana, the Dead Sea Scrolls, they do stand out in that, perhaps one of the most recent discoveries. What could you tell us about those? SPEAKER C Yes, so it was that Sea Scroll was discovered in 1948, which is very recent, date back to 150 BC. And they contain portions or the entirety of every Bible book in Old Testament. And more than a half century of study by the world's best linguist scholar confirmed the accurate transmission and copying of the Bible text. Wow. That is amazing. SPEAKER B It is amazing. And the Dead Sea Scrolls, you'll find them in the shrine of the Book, part of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. I actually remember when they bought portions of that to Australia and actually went to the museum in Sydney and could see portions of the Book of Isaiah. SPEAKER A Wow. SPEAKER B It's all underglass, of course. But it's so amazing how God's word is confirmed through the archaeological discoveries. SPEAKER C That's true. SPEAKER B The Psalmist has this beautiful verse in Psalm 119, verse 105, and God tells us the purpose in giving us the Bible. Hana, would you read that for us? Psalms 119, verse 105. SPEAKER C Yes. The Bible says, Your Word is a lump to my feet and a light to my path. SPEAKER B That verse is actually a song. SPEAKER C Thy word is a lump unto my feet. SPEAKER B Correct. And it is truly, isn't it? It's going to direct us in our path, in our walk in life, because this world, we're looking for direction, we're looking for answers. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B And when we go to God's Word, it's like lighting our path as we read and study the Bible, it will penetrate into the darkness and provide light on the path ahead. The Bible enlightens our understanding. Now, I love these words of Jesus in John 1717. And here the Lord tells us what is the source of God's truth? John, chapter 17 and verse 17. SPEAKER C Yes, it says, Jesus says Sanctified, and by your truth, your word is truth. So the word of god is truth. SPEAKER B Amen. Truth is definitely contained in God's word. And Hana, I've discovered that for myself. Believe. And you and your journey to find truth. SPEAKER C Yes, that's right. It is discovery. And this is more and more we can learn, and that truth really make us free. Like, bless us abundantly. SPEAKER B Amen. With so many people interpreting the Bible differently, is it possible to know truth? And we go to the Book of John. That's in the New Testament, the Gospel of John, chapter eight, verse 32. Thank you, Hana. SPEAKER C It says, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Maybe I was going a little bit ahead, but yes, this is amazing. There is a truth. And when we know the truth and receive the truth, that answers a question, that makes us free from confusion, from deception as well. SPEAKER B Amen. And the truth does it also brings us freedom from addictions and the power of sin. And Hana, I might just throw a verse in there. In Romans, chapter eight, verse 34 to 36, that's in harmony with that thought. Romans, chapter eight and verse 34 to 36. SPEAKER C Yes. The Bible says, who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? As it is written, for your sake, we are killed all day long. We are counted as sheep for the slaughter. SPEAKER B So he has power to deliver us from sin. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B And it is addictive. Sin is addictive because we actually enjoy it. It comes very naturally. But God wants people to reach their full potential in Christ. And I love the promise too, just on that chasing that little rabbit there. In John ten, verse ten, Jesus said he came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B And I think that's what the world is seeking, abundant life. Well, what is the first principle of understanding the Bible correctly? We go back to where we began in the Book of two Peter, chapter one and verse 20. SPEAKER C Yes. The Bible says, knowing this verse, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. SPEAKER B Yes. So that private interpretation, Hana, we don't want to know what I think or you think. SPEAKER C That's right. Let the Bible interpret itself because it says that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. We tend to or we want to interpret the way we want to know. But no, we should let the Bible interpret what the Bible says. SPEAKER B Correct. So it's important to not press our own narrative when we study the Bible. That's true, but we need to let the Holy Spirit guide us. Yes, because the whole purpose is God wants us to know Him. And in knowing Him brings life more abundant. What attitude, Hana, is essential as we understand Bible truth, do we need to have the right attitude? And we go back to the Gospel of John John, chapter seven and verse 17. SPEAKER C Yes, the Bible says, if anyone wills to do his will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on my own authority. This is what we are talking as well. But if we are willing to do God's will, that's when the Holy Spirit can lead us, guide us, and we can be led to the truth. But if we just are not willing to God's will, we can be stubborn and we cannot know the truth. SPEAKER B It would definitely make it much more difficult, wouldn't it, if we weren't willing to be open minded because God is longing to guide us into all truth. And yes, as you said, Hana, it is so important to have that humble heart and being willing to allow God to teach us. It definitely is a heart experience. And it's not just merely a mental exercise I've discovered in studying the Bible. It's not like a history book where you can just open it up and say, well, I've done that chapter and I've done that. I find that I continually get new thoughts and new wisdom as I study the Bible because God's word continually speaks to our hearts. SPEAKER C Definitely it is a living word that God speak to us. And even the same text, same story that we read, it's different things that we every time we read and learn from God because God is speaking to us through the living wars. SPEAKER B Amen. Yes. And the promise is he will guide you into all truth. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B When we have that humble, teachable heart. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B Well, why do some people have difficulty understanding Bible truth? So we're going to go to the ancient book of Isaiah. Isaiah, chapter 53 and verse six. Now, that's in the Old Testament and Isaiah was known as the Gospel prophet. So thank you, Hana, for reading that verse for us. SPEAKER C Yes, isaiah 53, verse six. The Bible says all we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. SPEAKER B It's quite amazing, isn't it, that the Bible says we've all turned our own way? SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B We haven't been listening to the voice of God, but we just naturally do our own way. SPEAKER C That's right. We are so inclined to choose evil as well. Naturally. And yeah, it is probably easier to choose our own way because the world is more and more evil and many people choose their own way. So it is sometimes many times very difficult to choose and stand up for God's way. But yeah, that's why it is difficult. SPEAKER A Yes. SPEAKER B That is another verse in two Corinthians, chapter four and verse four, and it talks there about another God, but this time it's a little God. And this is another reason. This is really the reason as well. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B They have trouble understanding truth. SPEAKER C The Bible says, whose mind the God of this age has blinded, who do not believe, leaves the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on. SPEAKER B You know, in the New Living. Translation so, Hana, you're reading from the new King James version? SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER B I like that version. It's a great study Bible. And I looked up this verse as well in the New Living, and it actually puts the name there of Satan. Starts with Satan. It says, Satan, who is the God, the little God of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. Just putting it, I guess, in a little more modern context there. SPEAKER C Yes. Satan is busy working to just blind us. I guess there's never a time that we have so many information, so many things on the earth like we can easily reach. But at the same time, Satan used those things to blind us as well. SPEAKER B Correct? Yes. And that verse goes on. It says, they don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. So knowing God certainly will bring us into all truth. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B Understanding the Bible is difficult for some people because, as we've discussed, perhaps it's of their unwillingness to give up their own ideas. God invites you and I to seek his way, not our own. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B He invites us to turn from the pride of our own understanding that's right. To humble acceptance of his revealed will in his word. If we cling to our own ideas, our eyes will be blinded by the evil one. I might just tell a little story here. One of my family members had not grown up with having a Bible, had never read the Bible, and so the words of Scripture were foreign to them, although they did love God from the church that they were taken to. But it wasn't until that they purchased a Bible for themselves and actually began to read it that they saw how accurate the Bible was. SPEAKER A Wow. SPEAKER B And it wasn't just something that was written the other day, but it was God's word. And from beginning to end, they could see that this word was true and faithful. SPEAKER C Wow. SPEAKER B It changed their lives. And although they thought they loved God, they learned so much more about God from reading the Scriptures. SPEAKER A Wow. SPEAKER C That is amazing. There is a power in the word of God that really change our life and transform our life. SPEAKER B Amen, Hana. I'm so glad for the word of God. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B Well, what does the Bible tell us we should do to understand truth? Acts 17 and verse eleven. Now, Paul wrote this book. SPEAKER C Yes. Act 1711. Our Bible says these were more fair minded than those in thessalonica in that they received award with all readiness and searched the Scripture daily to find out whether these things were so. I love this verse. They were very ready to receive the Word, and not only receive the Word, they searched the Scripture daily. I think that is amazing because they tested the Bible and search it by themselves, not only just listening and believing what people said, but they searched by themselves and thinking, oh, is this true? Oh, they had the attitude of searching by themselves. That is amazing. SPEAKER B It is amazing. Hana. And when you think that they were actually listening to some of the most marvellous preachers of the time, which was the Apostle Paul and Silas that were preaching in the synagogues at that time, to think that they actually went home and they checked the ancient scrolls to make sure that what they said was correct, because they would have been teaching them about Jesus, that he was the true messiah, and they would have discovered there were so many prophecies in the Old Testament that had just been fulfilled. And Paul was preaching on that. SPEAKER C Yes. Wow, that is such a good point. And we can also have the same attitude as them, not only just listening to people, but we can search by ourselves. SPEAKER B Yes. It's amazing what you discover when you do dig deep into God's Word. SPEAKER C Yes. Amen. SPEAKER B And so that really stresses the importance of not just hearing the Word, but studying for yourself. We can't rely on what others tell us. God wants to invite you personally to a personal discovery of truth from His Word. The Bereans daily searched the Word of God for themselves and they did discover truth. And we can do the same and experience that same abundant joy. Well, if God is guiding us into truth when we study the Scriptures, what method of Bible study will especially be helpful in discovering God's truth? We go back to the ancient book of Isaiah. SPEAKER A Yes. SPEAKER B Chapter 28, verses nine and ten. SPEAKER C Yes. It says, whom will he teach knowledge and whom will he make to understand a message? Those just wend from milk, those just drawn from their priests. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there are little. SPEAKER B Amen that precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little. What would that mean? Hana yes. SPEAKER C Well, I guess that when the Bible talks about, for example, about the Bible, we can whole Scripture talks about it. Here a little, there a little. We need to find all of them holistically, not just taking one verse and conclude that, oh, this is what we say, but we see here little or there little, and we put the piece together so that we can see whole picture and know what the Bible says. SPEAKER B I like that thought of a jigsaw puzzle putting the pieces together. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER B Some jigsaw puzzles are extremely difficult when they're all the same shade. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B But just like we're doing right now in our Bible study, we're not just looking in one book of the Bible, but we're actually going all over the Bible on verses that connect with this topic, how to understand the Scriptures. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B And so we're finding that as we do that, that we're going to find a picture of truth, and it's God's truth. It's not what you think or what Gayle thinks, but it's about what God says. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B Well, as we do that, what about First Corinthians, chapter two, and verse 13? And Corinthians was written by the apostle Paul as well in the New Testament. SPEAKER C Yes. One Corinthians, chapter two, verse 13. It says, these things we also speak knowing words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches. Comparing spiritual thing with spiritual, that's very. SPEAKER B Important, isn't it, Hana? SPEAKER C That is true. We need the Holy Spirit to understand, because without Spirit, we cannot understand the word that is inspired by the Spirit. SPEAKER B Correct. And, Hana, when we began our Bible study, we actually opened in prayer. And you invited the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us. SPEAKER C Yes. Every time we read a Bible, first thing we should do is actually asking the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us. SPEAKER B Amen. And God will always lead us into what is truth. SPEAKER C Yes. Amen. SPEAKER B He's a god of truth. Yes. As we open our hearts to the Spirit's influence and compare spiritual things with spiritual things, god will guide us. That's his promise. So God invites us he invites you at home to study all the texts on a given subject before coming to a conclusion regarding what the Bible teaches on a particular topic. You won't be disappointed. It's a wonderful journey of faith. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B And just step out as you take that first step, you'll be keen to take the next and the next, because you'll see the pieces making a beautiful jigsaw puzzle, a beautiful picture of truth. SPEAKER C Yes, that's right. That is the amazing things that we never get tired of studying the Bible more. We study, we find more things, and we get to know about God more and more as well. And this journey is just amazing that we never get tired. SPEAKER B Amen. Well, Hana, what guarantee has Jesus given to ensure that as we study the Bible with a sincere heart, we will be led into his truth? John, chapter 16 and verse 13. So we're back in the New Testament again. SPEAKER C Yes. John 1613. It says, however, when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whether he hears, he will speak, and he will tell you things to come. SPEAKER B That's a promise that God has made to us, and Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, as we've said, into all truth. Do you know, Hana, I love that verse that says it's impossible for God to lie. SPEAKER C That is true. SPEAKER B He cannot lie because he is a God of truth, so we can trust His Word. But that's something you have to discover for yourself. SPEAKER C That is true. And we can always claim the promises in a Bible too, because Bible has full of promises. What a blessing that we can claim it. And always remember that God is near to us. SPEAKER B Amen. Well, who is the central theme of the Bible? And we stay in the Gospel of John. John, chapter five and verse 39. SPEAKER C Yes, John. Chapter 539. The Bible says, you search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life. And these are they which testify of me. SPEAKER B So the scriptures reveal Jesus? SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B As our Savior all the way through, from Genesis to Revelation. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B He is the central theme. SPEAKER C That's right. Some I used to think, oh, is Jesus only in the New Testament? But no, he's in Old Testament as well. He's everywhere. SPEAKER B He is. He's all the way through. And we're going to discover that as we continue on this study journey. What will happen, Hana, in our lives as we study the precious promises of God's word, we turn to second Peter, chapter one, verse three and four. Now that's in the New Testament was written by the disciple Peter, became the apostle Peter. SPEAKER C Yes. It says as his divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and Godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by glory and virtue by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. SPEAKER B There's a mention of those promises there. SPEAKER C That's right. Exceedingly great and precious promises. Yes. This is amazing that we may be partakers of the divine nature. What a promise. SPEAKER B Yeah, it's a fantastic promise, Hana. It appears that the power of the living Christ God is longing to transform us. SPEAKER C Yes, that's right. I love it says that having escaped that corruption that is in the world through lust as well, we are living in a corrupted world that is full of sin and lust. But we can have that escape, the way of escape to the divine nature, which is righteousness. SPEAKER B Amen. And that change happens through his divine power. SPEAKER C Yes. Amen. SPEAKER B There are so many other prophecies in the Scripture, and I thought we could just quickly look at one and that would be Jesus'birthplace. We did say that there is so much evidence in the Old Testament that point to Jesus in the New. And if we went to the ancient book of Micah, micah, chapter five and verse two, we find there that there is a prophecy about Jesus and where he would be born. SPEAKER C Michael, chapter five, verse two. It says, but you Bethlehem, ifaratha though you are little amongst the thousand of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to me, the one to be ruler in Israel, whose coins forth are from of old, from everlasting. Wow. SPEAKER B So here we have in the ancient book of Micah, the prophecy of where the savior of the world would be born. That's interesting that God is so detailed and just a little snippet there. I mean, I didn't realize this years ago, but there were actually two places called Bethlehem, and it specifies Bethlehem Ephrath. SPEAKER C Ephratha. SPEAKER B I probably can't say it correctly. And that was in the south. That was where Jesus was born. But in the north, the other Bethlehem was found, and that was near Nazareth. So even this specific place, and so it would not be confused, is outlined in the Holy Scriptures. SPEAKER C That is amazing. And I did not know that. That is so cool. We cannot deny this. SPEAKER B And another interesting thing about that place of Jesus'birth, it was placed at the city of David, and this is where King David was born. He also was born in Bethlehem, Judah. SPEAKER A Wow. SPEAKER B Interesting. Well, Hana, there is so much evidence for God in the Bible. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B The accuracy of God's word is beyond comprehension. SPEAKER C That is right. SPEAKER B To think that it's been handwritten by scribes down through the centuries of time and then to find the Dead Sea Scrolls and find the accuracy, as you compared that with what had already been translated, wow. It just proves so much, without a doubt, that this book is not just an ordinary book. SPEAKER C That is true. SPEAKER B This is really the holy book. This really is God's word. SPEAKER C Word of living God. SPEAKER B The word of the living God. There's prophecies in the Scriptures about ancient Babylon. There's prophecies about Tyre. There's prophecies about Jerusalem being overthrown. There's prophecies there where Jesus even predicted the Jewish temple's destruction. SPEAKER C Wow. SPEAKER B That's in Matthew. Maybe we could read that one, too, before we close. Matthew 24 and verse one and two. SPEAKER C Matthew 24, verse one and two. SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER C It says, Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and his disciple came up to show him the building of the temple. And Jesus said to them, do you not see all these things assuredly? I say to you, not 1 st shall be left here upon another that shall not be thrown down. SPEAKER B At the time, that seemed impossible. SPEAKER C That's true. Nobody would want to believe in it. SPEAKER B Yes. That was 70 Ad. That it happened. Yes. But it was going to happen because God said so. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B God is accurate all the way through. And the Bible. Yes. As we study the Bible, the power of the living Christ will transform us. Millions of people throughout history testify to the explosive power of God's Word. As they've studied its pages, they've found an inner peace, a new joy, and life changing power to overcome undesirable habits. As you continue on this fascinating journey with us of Discovery, you too will discover God's amazing plan for your. Life and will experience the secrets of living life to the fullest in the 21st century. You know, Hana, whenever I study God's Word, it's always good to make a choice of what you're going to do with what you've heard and what you've studied. SPEAKER C That is so true. Bible has a transforming power. It's not just learning, but actually change our life. And we can apply what we learn to our practical life as well. SPEAKER B Amen. And so our decision for today, it says it is my determined purpose to allow the Holy Spirit to shape my life as I open my heart to discover Jesus'love and truth in His Word. I pray at home that that would be your desire, that you would want to open your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to shape your life, to discover Jesus'love and truth in His Word. SPEAKER C Yes. This is my desire that I will allow God to shape my life in his image. SPEAKER B Amen. And that is my desire to amen. I've enjoyed our first study together and I'd like to close this study time in prayer. Let's pray together. Our loving Heavenly Father, we've begun this journey of faith. We don't yet fully understand you, but you're revealing yourself slowly to us as we're hearing Your Word. As we're willing to open our hearts to you, we invite the Holy Spirit to take us on this journey of faith. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B Teach us through Your Word that we may learn of you, that you are a God that is trustworthy, a God who is faithful, a God who knows the past, the present and the future, a God who's interested in our lives personally, one we can trust. I pray, Lord, that every listener will experience this new joy in their heart and long to continue to know their God better. Thank you, Lord, for Your presence and guiding us today and always for forgiving us and loving us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Well, I hope that you will come and join us again as we begin our next study. Our next time will be our day in the light of Bible prophecy. Yes, we can have certainty for the future. Thank you for being with us and we look forward to your company next time. Thank you. Hana, too. It's been wonderful to be in the studio with you today. SPEAKER C Thank you. It was such a blessing. SPEAKER B Amen. I've really enjoyed our time together and really look forward to our next time together and having our listeners with us as well. Until then, God bless you and go in peace. SPEAKER A Music playing SPEAKER C If you have questions or comments about any of the programs you've heard, you can call three 3ABN Australia Radio within Australia on 024-97-3456, or from outside of Australia on Country Code 612-497-3456. Our email address is [email protected] that is radio at the number Our postal address is 3ABN, Australia, Inc. PO. Box seven five two. Morisset, New South Wales 2264, Australia thank you for your prayers and financial support.

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Prophets and Prophecy, Visions and Dreams - SFC2222

  Are you intrigued by the mysteries of prophets, visions, and supernatural phenomena? Have you ever wondered how to discern the genuine gift of prophecy...
